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Custom Theme Builds#

First and foremost, it is recommended that you use the Method Generator project to create a custom build of the Method theme that is optimized for your specific needs. This tool will create a theme build with correct prefixes, namespaces, and theme information.

Once you have created a custom build of the theme, or are content with using the Method theme as-is, follow the instructions below to get your copy of the theme ready for local development.


Method includes many helpful gulp tasks to help automate development. To use these tasks, you'll need:

Installing Dependencies#

  1. Navigate to the theme folder in your terminal/command prompt/PowerShell and run the following command to install all of the project’s dependencies for local development into ./node_modules: npm install --save-dev
  2. Once the installation finishes, run the following command to compile your theme's stylesheets and javascript: gulp scripts styles
    This will generate the theme's theme.css, theme.min.css and scripts.js files.
  3. You should be good to go! For a complete list of available gulp tasks, check the Gulp Tasks reference.