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public function get_headline( string $key, string $before, string $after, string $fallback = '' )

This method allows you to build headlines and other types of content from post meta more efficiently than by using the get_meta() method. Meta key values, if set and not empty, are passed through esc_html() and then the format_tags() class method. The primary purpose of this method is to provide a utility for writing more concise code.


  • $key
    (string) (required) The meta key to check and use if is set and not empty.
  • $before
    (string) (required) Markup to include before the processed value of the meta key, if the meta key is set and not empty, or a fallback value has been provided.
  • $after
    (string) (required) Markup to include after the processed value of the meta key, if the meta key is set and not empty, or a fallback value has been provided.
  • $fallback
    (string) (optional) An optional string to fall back to if the meta key isn't set or is empty. If a fallback value is not provided and the meta key isn't set or is empty, the method will return empty.


Example 1#

// Instead of this...
$this->html .= ( $this->get_meta( '_method_my_headline' ) ? '<h2>' . $this->format_tags( esc_html( $this->get_meta( '_method_my_headline' ) ) ) . '</h2>' : '' );
// You could do this...
$this->html .= $this->get_headline( '_method_my_headline', '<h2>', '</h2>' );

Example 2#

// Instead of this...
$this->html .= '<h2>' . ( $this->get_meta( '_method_my_headline' ) ? $this->format_tags( esc_html( $this->get_meta( '_method_my_headline' ) ) ) : 'Awesome Content' ) . '</h2>';
// You could do this...
$this->html .= $this->get_headline( '_method_my_headline', '<h2>', '</h2>', 'Awesome Content' );

Example 3#

// Instead of this...
$this->html .= ( $this->get_meta( '_method_employee_title' ) ? '<p class="employee-meta mb-0">Job Title: ' . $this->format_tags( esc_html( $this->get_meta( '_method_employee_title' ) ) ) . '</p>' : '' );
// You could do this...
$this->html .= get_headline( '_method_employee_title', '<p class="employee-meta mb-0">Job Title: ', '</p>' );