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public function build_component( string $component )

This method returns the markup for a single layout component constructerd in the build_components() method and is intended to be used when building layouts directly inside theme template files.


  • $component
    (string) (required) The layout component from the build_components() that you would like the method to return markup for.


(string) If init_page() has been called with the $standalone argument passed as false (or not passed), the method will return any markup that has been added to the class $html property by the requested component. If init_page() has been called with the $standalone argument passed as true, all markup added by the component to the $html, $modals, and $scripts properties will be returned.

If the requested component doesn't exist, the method will return an empty string.


Example 1#

In the following example, we'll use the build_component() method to return markup for a custom layout component...

Template Name: My Custom Page Template
$layout = new MethodThemeLayout;
$layout->init_page( $post->ID );
echo $layout->get_header_markup();
echo $layout->build_component( 'my-awesome-message' );
echo $layout->get_footer_markup();

As you can see, we're using the build_component() method to retrieve and display markup for a component called 'my-awesome-message'. Below is an example of how our build_components() method might look...

protected function build_components() {
if ( true == $this->attr['is_archive'] ) {
global $wp_query;
foreach ( $this->attr['components'] as $component ) {
switch ( $component ) {
// other layout components would go here...
case 'my-awesome-message':
$this->html .= '
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-12 col-md-11">
<h1>Ever notice how Cable and Thanos are played by the same guy?</h1>

Example 2#

For this example, let's imagine that we have some javascript that we want to also add to the $scripts property for the 'my-awesome-message' component...

protected function build_components() {
if ( true == $this->attr['is_archive'] ) {
global $wp_query;
foreach ( $this->attr['components'] as $component ) {
switch ( $component ) {
// other layout components would go here...
case 'my-awesome-message':
$this->html .= '
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-12 col-md-11">
<h1>Ever notice how Cable and Thanos are played by the same guy?</h1>
$this->scripts .= '
console.log("The more you know.");

Now let's say that we wanted to display the 'my-awesome-message' component referenced above using the build_component() method, but we wanted that to be the only thing displayed when using our custom template. To achieve this, we'd need to remove the calls to get_header_markup() and get_footer_markup(). This creates a new problem, however, as the contents of the $scripts property for the 'my-awesome-message' component are normally returned with the get_footer_markup() method. For out script to make it to the frontend, we need to modify our template's call to init_page() to pass the $standalone argument as true. This will make any call to build_component() not only return component markup added to the $html property, but also the $scripts and $modals properties:

Template Name: My Custom Page Template
$layout = new MethodThemeLayout;
$layout->init_page( $post->ID, true );
echo $layout->build_component( 'my-awesome-message' );