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Upgrading Theme Components & Libraries

Method is built to support the upgrading of theme components and libraries over the lifespan of a custom theme. Below are instructions for upgrading compnents and libraries, as of Method v1.3.1.


To update Bootstrap...

  1. Head to, go to the download page for the current release, and download the source files.
  2. Once downloaded, extract the source files.
  3. Replace the inc/bootstrap/scss/ folder with the scss/ folder from the extracted files, and replace the javascript files in inc/bootstrap/js/ with the matching files found in dist/js/ from the extracted files.
  4. Finally, you'll need to recompile the theme's stylesheet and javascript files. To do this, navigate to the theme directory in the terminal and run gulp scripts styles to recompile both. You'll need to have the local dev utilities installed to do this.

Method_Layout Class#

Assuming no local changes need to be merged in, head to the Releases page and download the class-method-layout.php file for the latest release. Replace the file with the same name in the theme's /lib directory with the download file. You should be good to go.