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Method v1.3.4 Released

Rob Clark

Rob Clark

Digital Developer

Method and Method Generator v1.3.4 are now available. This release adds support for easily adding new format tags without the need to edit Method's layout class directly, adds support for adding layout class documentation to the admin dialog using a new action, and adds optional $fallback arguments to the get_meta(), get_loaded_meta(), and get_option() methods.

Custom Format Tags#

New format tags can now be added by hooking into the method_format_tags filter. More information and code examples can be found here.

Get The Release#

Download Method   Download Generator

And We're Live

Rob Clark

Rob Clark

Digital Developer

After greatly underestimating the number of pages that would be needed to adequately document Method and Method Generator, the documentation site is finally live! Currently, there are a number of missing items, inconsistencies in format, etc, but this should be enough to gain a sound understanding of how the project works and more importantly, how to get up and running. Check back over the next few weeks for frequent updates, as now that this thing is live, I can begin the process of frantically editing all the content.